Please Give $50 To Support Suicide Prevention Efforts

Please Give $50 To Support Suicide Prevention Efforts

National Suicide Prevention Month begins September 1. It is an important time for all of us to help raise awareness of suicide prevention.

Suicide prevention is a key part of what we do at MCES. Our efforts date to when we were founded 50 years ago and known to many as Building 50. We work daily with organizations throughout the region, including the National Alliance on Mental Illness, to prevent suicide. 

As we celebrate our 50th Anniversary and observe National Suicide Prevention Month, we are asking you to donate $50 – or more – to support our suicide prevention work.
Give $50 to Building 50 to Support Suicide Prevention
We also provide a comprehensive array of informational and educational materials on suicide prevention to health and behavioral health providers, community organizations, and individuals and families. You will often find our team members speaking to the community about important resources, being quoted in the news media and assisting law enforcement.

The most important part of our suicide prevention work is taking calls from the national 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. We are part of a network of crisis centers that answer calls to 988 24 hours a day, seven days a week. On average, we talk with about 1,000 individuals in crisis each month. We offer free, confidential emotional support.  

We welcome your contribution to our ongoing 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline work. $50 will help us continue to staff the 988 Lifeline for the moments when someone needs us most. 
I will give $50 to Building 50 to Support 988 Lifeline Response
Thank you for reading and for being a friend of MCES.
Be well. 
Bill Myers and the MCES Team 

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