MCES frequently received inquiries regarding the incidence of suicide in our service area. Here is what we provided in response to a request regarding county residents aged 65 years and older for the years 2019 to 2023:

- There were an average of 22 older adult suicide per year in the county during the 5-year period. On average on a yearly basis one-half of these suicides involved older adults aged 75 years and over.
- Just over 81% of all older adult suicides in the period involved older men.
- Over 87% of the suicides of older adults aged 75 years and over in the county involved men. Suicides by older women decreased with age.
- Firearms were the lethal means in 58% of all older adult suicides in the county in the period.
- Over 71% of the suicides of older adults aged 75 years and over in the county involved firearms; over 79% of the suicides of older adults aged 80 and over involved firearms. Guns as lethal means increased with age.
The statistics used are available from the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
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