The Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services has launched an effort to address the negative health care outcomes associated with poor housing and other social determinants of health among persons with serious mental illness.
Stay up-to-date with what’s happening at MCES
Co-occurring Disorders Going Home
Several years ago, we added the innovative Ongoing Abstinence Recovery Schedule™ (OARS) to our COD program. OARS participation is voluntary and open to all MCES co-occurring inpatients.
Police And MCES Jointly Responding To Mental Health Emergencies
Montgomery County frequently finds itself well ahead of the curve when it comes to the adoption of new practices in emergency mental health. One of the latest is teaming police officers with non-law enforcement co-responders on mental health calls.
MCES Has An Ongoing Role in Reducing Incarceration Risk
It is not well known, but MCES was largely created to divert person with chronic mental illness from possible imprisonment because of behavior related to symptoms of their illness.
Inpatient Suicide Prevention Awareness Group Underway
The MCES Allied Therapy Department has started psychoeducation groups to enhance patients’ suicide prevention skills during and after their stays.
Employee Honored With Recovery And Resilience Award
Tony Salvatore, Director of Development, received a Recovery and Resiliency Award for his work in suicide prevention and mental health in Montgomery County.
Call 988 For Mental Health Support
Individuals in a mental health crisis can now call 988 to receive help.
988 is the new number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. It replaces 1-800-273-8255 (1-800-273-TALK), although that number will remain active.
MCES Recognizes Towamencin PD
MCES and the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services recently honored the Towamencin Police Department for 100 percent participation in the MCES Crisis Intervention Specialist Program.
We Are Hiring
MCES and the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services recently honored the Towamencin Police Department for 100 percent participation in the MCES Crisis Intervention Specialist Program.
Please Give $50 To Support Suicide Prevention Efforts
National Suicide Prevention Month begins September 1. It is an important time for all of us to help raise awareness of...